GeneInfoViz is a web based tool for gene relation analysis and visualization.
It takes a list of genes as input, and returns a table containing the gene function information retrieved from LocusLink, GeneBank and
GeneOntology databases. GeneInfoViz also provides two kinds of visualization of the relations between the genes - One displays part of the Gene Ontology DAG(
Directed Acyclic Graph) that is associated with the input genes; the other shows the gene relation network.
Enter your gene list, entries in the list must be seperated by space or new-line character
Select to search by Locus ID, UniGene ID, Accession Number or Symbol
Select the evidence codes
Click on search
Information about the genes, such as UniGeneID, Gene Ontology Term and Type, Gene Symbol will be listed in a table, which we call it gene-info-table.
Above the gene-info-table, you will see 3 buttons that read as "Directed Acyclic Graph", each of them represent a
Gene Ontology Type: Biological Process, Molecular Function or Cellular Component.
Click on one of them, its corresponding DAG graph will appear in a new window.
There are another 3 buttons, read as "Biological Process", "Molecular Function" and "Cellular Component". Next to them,
is the drop down menu of "levels" which refers to
the level in the DAG graph. Select a level, click on one of these buttons, a gene-relation-networks graph will be displayed.
You can check box "distance" to show the lengths of the edges; you can also use mouse to drag the genes to adjust
their postions in the graph.
Click on the hypertext links, you can see the Adjacency Matrix, Distance Matrix and Indicator Table.